
A Schema is created by supplying the root types of each type of operation, query and mutation (optional). A schema definition is then supplied to the validator and executor.

my_schema = Schema(


There are some cases where the schema cannot access all of the types that we plan to have. For example, when a field returns an Interface, the schema doesn’t know about any of the implementations.

In this case, we need to use the types argument when creating the Schema.

my_schema = Schema(
    types=[SomeExtraObjectType, ]


To query a schema, call the execute method on it.

my_schema.execute('{ lastName }')

Auto CamelCase field names

By default all field and argument names (that are not explicitly set with the name arg) will be converted from snake_case to camelCase (as the API is usually being consumed by a js/mobile client)

For example with the ObjectType

class Person(graphene.ObjectType):
    last_name = graphene.String()
    other_name = graphene.String(name='_other_Name')

the last_name field name is converted to lastName.

In case you don’t want to apply this transformation, provide a name argument to the field constructor. other_name converts to _other_Name (without further transformations).

Your query should look like


To disable this behavior, set the auto_camelcase to False upon schema instantiation.

my_schema = Schema(