Source code for graphene.types.mutation

from collections import OrderedDict

from ..utils.deprecated import warn_deprecation
from ..utils.get_unbound_function import get_unbound_function
from ..utils.props import props
from .field import Field
from .objecttype import ObjectType, ObjectTypeOptions
from .utils import yank_fields_from_attrs
from .interface import Interface

# For static type checking with Mypy
MYPY = False
if MYPY:
    from .argument import Argument  # NOQA
    from typing import Dict, Type, Callable, Iterable  # NOQA

class MutationOptions(ObjectTypeOptions):
    arguments = None  # type: Dict[str, Argument]
    output = None  # type: Type[ObjectType]
    resolver = None  # type: Callable
    interfaces = ()  # type: Iterable[Type[Interface]]

[docs]class Mutation(ObjectType): """ Object Type Definition (mutation field) Mutation is a convenience type that helps us build a Field which takes Arguments and returns a mutation Output ObjectType. .. code:: python from graphene import Mutation, ObjectType, String, Boolean, Field class CreatePerson(Mutation): class Arguments: name = String() ok = Boolean() person = Field(Person) def mutate(parent, info, name): person = Person(name=name) ok = True return CreatePerson(person=person, ok=ok) class Mutation(ObjectType): create_person = CreatePerson.Field() Meta class options (optional): output (graphene.ObjectType): Or ``Output`` inner class with attributes on Mutation class. Or attributes from Mutation class. Fields which can be returned from this mutation field. resolver (Callable resolver method): Or ``mutate`` method on Mutation class. Perform data change and return output. arguments (Dict[str, graphene.Argument]): Or ``Arguments`` inner class with attributes on Mutation class. Arguments to use for the mutation Field. name (str): Name of the GraphQL type (must be unique in schema). Defaults to class name. description (str): Description of the GraphQL type in the schema. Defaults to class docstring. interfaces (Iterable[graphene.Interface]): GraphQL interfaces to extend with the payload object. All fields from interface will be included in this object's schema. fields (Dict[str, graphene.Field]): Dictionary of field name to Field. Not recommended to use (prefer class attributes or ``Meta.output``). """ @classmethod def __init_subclass_with_meta__( cls, interfaces=(), resolver=None, output=None, arguments=None, _meta=None, **options ): if not _meta: _meta = MutationOptions(cls) output = output or getattr(cls, "Output", None) fields = {} for interface in interfaces: assert issubclass(interface, Interface), ( 'All interfaces of {} must be a subclass of Interface. Received "{}".' ).format(cls.__name__, interface) fields.update(interface._meta.fields) if not output: # If output is defined, we don't need to get the fields fields = OrderedDict() for base in reversed(cls.__mro__): fields.update(yank_fields_from_attrs(base.__dict__, _as=Field)) output = cls if not arguments: input_class = getattr(cls, "Arguments", None) if not input_class: input_class = getattr(cls, "Input", None) if input_class: warn_deprecation( ( "Please use {name}.Arguments instead of {name}.Input." "Input is now only used in ClientMutationID.\n" "Read more:" "" ).format(name=cls.__name__) ) if input_class: arguments = props(input_class) else: arguments = {} if not resolver: mutate = getattr(cls, "mutate", None) assert mutate, "All mutations must define a mutate method in it" resolver = get_unbound_function(mutate) if _meta.fields: _meta.fields.update(fields) else: _meta.fields = fields _meta.interfaces = interfaces _meta.output = output _meta.resolver = resolver _meta.arguments = arguments super(Mutation, cls).__init_subclass_with_meta__(_meta=_meta, **options) @classmethod
[docs] def Field( cls, name=None, description=None, deprecation_reason=None, required=False ): """ Mount instance of mutation Field. """ return Field( cls._meta.output, args=cls._meta.arguments, resolver=cls._meta.resolver, name=name, description=description or cls._meta.description, deprecation_reason=deprecation_reason, required=required, )